Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Middle way

I'm starting to get tired of this feminist wave who came to cover us decades ago. It can be more annoying than the classic machism that exist since world began. Feminism... machism... it's all the same thing: reflexes of selfish minds that seek justify your own deficiency to love your neighbor using masks. Excuses like "I'm wronged because of my gender" or "I'm superior because of may gender". Bullshit!!!

If we removed the center of the Universe from our navels, then we would change feminism/machism to HUMANISM. No extremes, just the middle way. Men and women ARE differents and there is anything we can do to change this. If we really loved our neighbor, if we really felt mercy (in the biblical sense of the word), then a man wouldn't feel the necessity of be an womanizer neither would an woman fight for her right to be promiscuous (citing just one example).

Let's open our eyes, for God sake!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


To whoever is interested,

I'm far from claiming to be the owner of the Truth, nay, for me, the Truth is something we create based on our experiences and reflections, hence each one of us has one. That's why I created this blog. I would like to share my truths with others, so them can also share and thus help each others to devise something more concrete... and actually it will be TOO FAR from the real Truth... if It exists.

Please, enjoy.

(I ask forgiveness for my English. The other reason for creating this blog was for training this language. Thanks for your comprehension.)